One thing I often come across from prospects and clients is the question of how to get more website traffic for free?

That is the quest of anyone who sells a product or service and has a website designed to facilitate sales (ecommerce) or to capture leads to sell to later.

If you just have a website that acts as a business card or you just have general content about whatever topic and you’re looking for more traffic this can help you but it won’t really “pay off” in terms of ROI on anything.

However, if you’re a business owner and you rely on sales of any kind to help you grow your bottom line and ultimately pay your bills, you’ve come to the right place because today I’m going to share with you how to get up to 963% more organic and “targeted” traffic to your website via social bookmarking sites.

Social bookmarking sites are everywhere. Just thinking of a few:

  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • StumbleUpon

In my honest opinion, if you only were to submit worthy and valuable content to you could easily get more website traffic for free!

Let’s take for example and say we head over there with fresh content that you’ve just uploaded and published on your site pertaining to “small business IT support”.

The key to success with social bookmarking is making sure you post your article or link to the most relevant “community” or subreddit on the website.

Obviously it would be amazing if you could find a subreddit on the topic of “it consulting” because then publishing a link in that mini-community would instantly get eyeballs and send traffic to your site, however in most cases subreddits usually have a very niche specific “cult” following and in my experience it’s better to post in a broader subreddit for the type of person you are “viewed as” in the industry in which you work.

For example, someone who has just published a blog post about “small business it support” is probably a “consultant” of managed services and thus would do extremely well with posting a link with title and description of your post to the subreddit called

That little community currently has over 15,000 subscribers and while they range from fans to actual ‘paid’ consultants, many of them are also influencers on social media and have HUGE pre-existing followings.

So by publishing a link that points back (back link) to your site in a community designed to patronize “consultants” you are essentially alerting the whole audience of subscribers to the fact that there is a new submission pertaining to something business related in the form of consulting of some type.

This will usually result in an increase in local (US-based) and targeted “consulting” traffic to your site and if your content is newsworthy and valuable (like you provide real advice or tips for solving problems) you’ll most likely get many shares and discussions about your content and get even more mass exposure online from social media fans and followers.

This method alone can substantially increase your traffic and help you A) increase rankings and B) convert more visitors into customers, depending on what you sell and does it add value to the reader’s business or personal life…?

You can literally post all day to relevant subreddits on and drive traffic back to your site. And that’s just one way to get more website traffic free from social bookmarking sites.

Another thing I like to do to increase traffic to my website is post a bookmark on and then take that bookmark link and publish it on and let the submissions run in real-time in my browser until it gets to 2000 submissions and then close the window.

By doing this you are pinging and successfully dripping your shared bookmark onto tons of Google-owned directories and statistical sites that get a lot of traffic already because of their high page-rank scores and that actually drives traffic to your bookmark which drives an increase in traffic back to your site or your blog or whatever you’ve posted at

Doing just the above steps and even posting your content once daily to all the above social bookmarking sites will drastically help you get more website traffic free and that will ultimately lead to more conversions and more sales!

The only downside to doing it this way is that it’s time-consuming.


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