List your all USB peripheries lsusb Connect your USB serial cable and list all USB peripheries once again. Note the new device (like 0557 an 2008) mobprobe usbserial vendor=0x0557 product=0x2008 dmesg | grep ‘ttyUSB’ note: ttyUSB0 chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 To...
File Commands ls – directory listing ls -al – formatted listing with hidden files cd dir – change directory to dir cd – change to home pwd – show current directory mkdir dir – create a directory dir rm file – delete file rm -r dir – delete directory dir rm -f...
In Linux, as in most other Unix-like operating systems, it is common to use a whole partition of a hard disk for swapping. However, with the 2.6 Linux kernel, swap files are just as fast as swap partitions, although I recommend using a swap partition. The...
Introduction In some cases, it may be necessary to change all account passwords on your DirectAdmin server. For example if the server was compromised, or leaks that have been found (such as the recent openssl security holes), or an employee who has all the passwords...
Installing several important tools with script This will allow you to save yourself some time. First thing you need to create a file nano and then past bellow script #!/bin/bash zip_dir_name=”” function install_package () { ./
Due to various auditing failures and other security issues, the CAcert root certificate set is slowly disappearing from the Ubuntu and Debian ‘ca-certificates’ package. Fine for security and ensuring your website works with the wider browser world. Not so good if...